Shelley – 29th June 2024

Dear Friends

Here’s a quick recap on what going on so far…over the next few weeks!

Sunday 30th June 11-12 Service together in church with a group for our younger friends on a gardening theme.. Luke 13 v 6-9..more stories of Jesus…

After the service there is a get together for the Sunday morning prayer team.  Feel free to bring your lunch as you chat. 

Sunday 30th June 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth

Monday 1st July 10-12 midday Beacon warm welcome café

Tuesday 2nd July 10-11.30am  Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers

Tuesday 2nd July housegroup in the music room.  See Rod Russell

Wednesday 3rd July Lunch club for those booked in and the volunteers.  See Rachel for more information

Wednesday 3rd July  house group in church 7.30pm -9pm in the music room. See Ruth and Andy Berry

Thursday 4th July Warm welcome craft group 2-4pm – The music room is being used as a polling station so craft group will happen in a different room but its still going ahead!

Thursday 4th July No group study on evangelism with Gareth Gadd 7-9pm

Friday 5th July Bible study in church at 10-11am.  See Shelley for more information.

Friday 5th July House group at 8pm in Adel.  See Hilary and Jonathan Darling or Steve or Helen Olijnyk

Sunday 7th July All age Café church at 11-12 with refreshments and breakfast bits Luke 14:1-14… hospitality…

Sunday 7th July 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth in church

Monday 8th July 10-12 midday Beacon warm welcome café

Monday 8th July 12.30-2.30 Talk and discussion led by Haddon.  Luke, in his Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles told stories of early Christian faith and life.  His  stories were targeted invitations and searching provocations to turn from darkness to light.  Take a couple of hours to explore how and why Luke told the story and stories as he did.  Bring your lunch.

This session will be repeated on Tuesday 9th July 7.30pm to 9.30pm for those who would like to come on an evening.  Feel free to pass this on to those you think are interested.

Monday 15th July from 1-3pm in the Music Room ‘Wise up to Ageism’.  The course will be led by a team from Leeds Older People’s Forum and will help us to keep developing as an Age Friendly Church.  There are 20 places and if you would like to attend, please email, or call Lesley to pass onto Rachel or directly to Rachel. If there are spaces left, we will open the course up to the those working locally in our community.   

Please keep an eye on the website or social media on Facebook for what’s happened or what is coming up..

Wednesday 17th July Wednesday worship at 1.30pm – 2pm in the music room

Sunday 21st July 11-12 service with communion and 3-5pm Strawberry tea at church in support of our links in Romania.

Tuesday 10th September 7.30pm Whole church meeting

A few thank-yous

Thank-you to everyone who has been helping with the chairs and set up for church.  We will need to do this again tomorrow, but we’ll make sure this is done sensitively and not straight away as the service finishes.  Anyone who is able is welcome to help.

Thank you for praying for the deacons and myself for the Away Day in Harewood on Wednesday.  Although the time went quickly, we were able to spend time praying for the church and each other, hearing from God and we will share some of this in the next few weeks.  We were also blessed with an anonymous donation that was given for our lunch.

Finally, I attended the funeral of a close friend of my family’s yesterday.  I was reminded again how every act of love is never wasted and how we all have a role to play in encouraging younger or less experienced generations whether in families, groups, or larger communities.  To keep showing up no matter what is incredibly powerful. The friend we remembered on Friday was always up for trying something and getting involved, a playful pragmatic approach that never got stuck on how things should be or look.  When I came up with ideas about different ways to worship or reach out to our communities we prayed and worked out a plan to make it happen.  It didn’t always go as we expected, but we learnt loads, God moved. 

“One generation commends your works to another;
    they tell of your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4)


Shelley Dring

General Election -Thursday 4th July

Leeds Prayers and Practical Gatherings

In Leeds, there is a General Election Prayer Lunch on Thursday 27th June, 12.10-1.30pm hosted by Prayer for Leeds and Leeds Minster.  It takes place in Leeds Minster , 2-6 Kirkgate, Leeds, LS2 7DJ

You are encouraged to let them know if you will be coming for catering purposes by email clicking

On Monday 1st July 7.30pm-9.30pm there is a General Election Gathering designed for anyone who wants to hear from Christians who have been involved in the election campaign and how their Christian faith has led them to support the political party they are part of. There will be an opportunity to put questions to the panel.

The current panel is:
Cllr Andrew Scopes from the Labour Party
Cllr Penny Stables from the Green Party
Tim Ward – Member of the Liberal Democrats
Linda Richards – Conservative Party
There will be someone present from the Right Leaning Christians group in attendance.
It will be hosted by Leeds Citizens.
Sign Up here: Please advertise in your church if you can:

The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is a partnership between the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church.  The purpose of JPIT is to help Churches to work together for peace and justice through listening, learning, praying, speaking and acting on public policy issues. They have a briefing covering the six issues that frame JPIT’s work, this resource explains why we as Christians should give serious consideration to these issues and explores how the issues are relevant at this time in the UK. Please click link below:

Microsoft Word – 202405 Election issues briefing designed 2 (

You may also want to have a look at the following links….

Thinking faithfully about politics – Evangelical Alliance (

NEW: General Election Briefing – JustMoney Movement


As the Leeds and Moortown Furniture Store embarks on some exciting new plans there’s still time for you to help shape its future

Visit the Store’s website at

At our March Church Meeting Chris Hutt, the General Manager of the Leeds and Moortown Furniture Store, and Gareth Davies who like myself is one of its trustees said that anyone who wished to join us would be joining a team that over the next few weeks and months would begin to oversee some of the most exciting changes to have taken place in the charity’s 38 year history.

As a result of that appeal three MBC members stepped forward – two volunteered to be trustees and a third, a former trustee, who is coming back to us as a consultant/advisor. So not only do we really appreciate this response, but in terms of commitment to a long tradition of helping people in need it actually takes on extra meaning when I say that at that March meeting everyone in the room voted to hold on to the 50% share that MBC currently holds in the charity’s trading company: LMFS Trading Ltd.

And that’s one of the main reasons why we aren’t simply sitting back and congratulating ourselves on recruiting some new trustees, but continuing to invite applications from literally anyone who thinks they, in any way shape or form, might be able to come on board and help steer the Leeds and Moortown Furniture Store into the future.

As I’ve just said, of the three who have already expressed an interest two are soon to be added to the Charity Commissions register and the third will be called upon as and when his advice is needed; three more people who together with Chris and Gareth will set the agenda and monitor its progress.  Between them there is a wealth of experience, but you know they don’t know, and they can’t be expected to do everything, that’s why if you have any experience at all in areas such as fundraising, in the property rental sector or although we have a fully qualified accountant who looks after our books even in finance these are just a few of the gaps that we need to fill.

So that’s it. Gareth, Chris and I are all around to answer any questions you may have, or if you’d like us to contact you just leave your details with Lesley our Administrator and I promise we’ll get straight back to you.

Thank you

John Sherbourn

Shelley – June 22nd 2024

Dear Friends

We meet again tomorrow at 11am as we continue the theme of Jesus’ storytelling in the book of Luke. There will be a group for our younger friends too as we look at Luke 11:1-13.  We’ll be continuing with the stories of Jesus in Luke until the Summer.  For those who would like to know a bit more about the background of Luke, Haddon is leading a session on Monday 8th July at 12.30-2.30 in the music room.  Feel free to bring your own lunch and eat it at 12 midday together before it starts.  The session will be repeated on Tuesday 9th July 7.30-9.30pm in the music room. More details to come.

It was good to see so many of you at the church meeting joining in with prayer and sung worship, discussion and decision making.  There were some healthy discussions on aspects of the constitution and we encourage you to carry on and look at those areas for next time.  Do feed anything back in between times via Lesley or direct to myself or the deacons.  We also heard updates from myself and Rachel Beedle.  Rachel mentioned a course taking place at Moortown Baptist Church called “Wise up to Ageism”.  It will take place on Monday 15th July from 1-3pm in the Music Room. The course will be led by a team from Leeds Older People’s Forum and will help us to keep developing as an Age Friendly Church.  There are 20 places and if you would like to attend, please email, or call Lesley to pass onto Rachel or directly to Rachel. If there are spaces left, we will open the course up to the those working locally in our community.  We also thanked Edward for his work in the church with setting up of the rooms through the week including Sunday mornings.  We thank him for his hard work, flexibility, and good nature often behind the scenes.  As he finishes his role this week we will need some help in the next couple of weeks before we are able to appoint someone in the role.  You  may find that after services or some of the groups we may ask for some of those who are able to help a bit with chairs.    

On the website this week, there was a post about the elections and guidance for Christians.  It included get togethers in the city centre, one based on prayer and the other hearing from Christians in different parties and how their faith is connected to what they do.  The link is here..  General Election -Thursday 4th July – Moortown Baptist Church

The week ahead..
Sunday 23rd June 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth
Monday 24th June 10-12 midday Beacon warm welcome café
Tuesday 25th June 10-11.30pm.  Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers
Tuesday 25th June Afternoon housegroup in the music room.  See Rod Russell
Wednesday 26th June Lunch club for those booked in and the volunteers.  See Rachel for more information
Wednesday 26th June  Deacons and Shelley Away Day
No Wednesday night house group in church this week, the next one is the 3rd July
Thursday 27th June Warm welcome craft group 2-4pm
Thursday 27th June  Group study on evangelism with Gareth Gadd 7-9pm
Friday 28th June Bible study in church at 10-11am.  See Shelley for more information.
Friday 28th June House group at 8pm in Adel.  See Hilary and Jonathan Darling or Steve or Helen Olijnyk
Sunday 30th June Service in church at 11-12midday with group for children meeting during the service.
Sunday 30th June 12.30pm Sunday prayer team get together.  See Krys Gadd for details.  Bring some lunch after church to eat together.
Sunday 30th June 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth in church

A few more dates for the diary…
Sunday 7th July café church all together with refreshments and breakfast bits
Wednesday 17th July Wednesday worship at 1.30pm – 2pm in the music room
Sunday 21st July 11-12 service with communion and 3-5pm Strawberry tea at church in support of our connected churches and relationships in Romania.

Tuesday 10th September 7.30pm Whole church meeting
For those whom I see and for those whom I don’t see much, maybe because of ill health or other struggles, I pray 1 Thess 2 and 3.  Let’s keep watching over each other in love.

“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.  We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Shelley Dring

Three baptisms warm up a decidedly chilly Sunday morning

Last Sunday morning, with the outside air temperature hovering around the 12 to 13 C mark, and a wind blowing that totally redefined my understanding of a light to moderate breeze it was an absolute joy to be in the warm, inside Moortown Baptist Church, to join in the celebrations of not just one, not just two but of three baptisms. 

The service was led by MBC’s minister Shelley Dring, however, for the actual baptisms Shelley was joined in the water by her husband Nathan. Shelley’s theme throughout was built around two of the lost and found stories that Jesus tells and that we find in Luke’s gospel. With songs, prayers and of course readings all chosen to underline this theme it was wonderful to hear the three candidates – Diane Argyle, Candice Ng and Mike Shahid each share something of their journey to faith and ultimately to their baptism. 

Followed by coffee and cake it was a wonderful morning of celebration and praise. That’s why we ask that God will continue to bless Diane, Candice and Mike as they start out on this, the next step in their journey with Jesus. But likewise we also ask God’s continued blessing on all those of us who either in the room itself or tuning in on Youtube watched them make this bold declaration of faith. 

Summer Solstice Walk – 22nd June 2024 Ilkley

We had such a lovely time on Good Friday walking up to the Swastika Stone that I have decided to organise another walk. This time it will be close to Midsummer’s Day, on Saturday the 22nd of June. Please see further details below the picture:

Good Friday Walk to the Swastika Stone

Meeting Point 1 (for those who are ok with the incline to start with): White Wells Car Park, Ilkley  If there are no spaces, then you can park in Darwin Gardens or on Wells Road itself. Time of Meeting: 2pm. Length of walk: 1.5 hours in total (maximum)

Meeting Point 2 (for those wishing to cut out the first incline) – park part way up the Keighley Road. Click here for Meeting Point 2 location

Time of Meeting: 2:15pm (approximately, as you should wait for the first part of the group to meet you there). Length of walk: 1 hour in total

For those wishing to extend the walk beyond the Swastika stone, you can carry on the moor along Millennium way, click here for location.

If you are able to join us, but would like a lift please let Lesley know from where you would like a lift and how many of you. For those who can offer a lift to others please let Lesley know how much room you will have in your car.

The view at the top (near the Swastika stone) is amazing. You can see out to the Dales on a clear day. When we get there, I would love it if we could pause, pray and read out a scripture. Anyone who would like to say a prayer, or share a scripture please let Krys know through Lesley Murphy. You can walk further along the top after that or simply come back down the way we came.

I would suggest bringing a drink and a snack as well as suitable outerwear as it can be a little windy at the top!

Shelley – June 8th 2024

Dear friends

Last week we heard the story Jesus told about a good Samaritan.  Many of you have shared new things that you think God has shown you through this story and it’s been encouraging to hear.  Let’s keep sharing our stories and thoughts with each other, writing them down, drawing them..

The week has been full of national stories too, for example the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, known as D-Day, the allied invasion in 1944 that played a crucial part in liberating western Europe from Nazi occupation. Many individual stories were shared about those who played their part, there will be stories that are only known to some, even one…these stories help us to engage and think in a different way.

More stories were shared as part of National Volunteers week this week, a week designed to celebrate all those who give of their time for free to help others.  Although we may use different language for this in church, we recognise that we are all called as part of the body of Christ on earth to support, serve and encourage others both in and out of church (Matthew 10:8).   If you would like to know more about roles or activities in church or in the community then do ask myself, send a message to Lesley or ask a deacon.  Thank you to all of you.  There are some of you unable to do what you have done or would like to do due to health problems for example.  We continue to pray for you and want to encourage you that you are very much a part of the family at MBC because of who you are not because of what you do.   

As we approach tomorrow, we have the privilege of hearing from Diane, Candice and Mike as they are baptised.  The stories of how people come to baptism help us to reflect on our own and remind us that we are on this journey together but we have an individual story too.  We start at 11am and we’ll have drinks and cake after the service.  You and your friends and family are very welcome.

There will be a rock-solid youth group in the evening for our younger youth, the older youth group will have a break this week.  Both are back on the 16th June.  If you are a parent of one of the young people who attends and haven’t sent your information form back to one of the leaders can you do so by the end of next week please?  It can be given as a paper copy or electronic, thank you.

Some dates…

Monday 10th June  10-12 warm welcome Beacon café.  Come share a free drink and breakfast snack.  Chat or just spend some time in the space.

Tuesday 11th June  Stepping Stones under 5’s group for children and their parents, grandparents and carers 10-11.30pm

Tuesday 11th June Church hosts the Alwoodley Community Forum, 1-3pm

Tuesday 11th June Afternoon house group in church

Tuesday 11th June Deacons meeting with Shelley 7.30pm in church

Wednesday 12th June  lunch club in church for all those registered with Rachel Beedle and the volunteers

Wednesday 12th June  7.30pm house group in church and online.  See Ruth or Andy Berry. 

Thursday 13th June  2-4 pm warm welcome craft group in church.  See Karen Ross/Diane Sunter for more information.         

Thursday 13th June  No bible study at 7pm-9pm in church. See Gareth Gadd for the next one.

Friday 14th June bible study 10-11 in church.  See Shelley if you are interested.

Friday 14th June  8pm housegroup See Hilary, Jonathan or Steve, Helen or Lesley for more details.

Sunday 16th June 11am service with communion

Sunday 16th June 7-8pm Rock Solid group for young people (both groups) in church.


Whole church meeting on Tuesday 18th June at 7.30pm with zoom room.  Agenda will come out on Monday/Tuesday.  For any agenda items, do let Shelley or one of the Deacons know in advance of the meeting.

Wednesday 19th June Wednesday Worship at 1.30pm.  Open to all.

Walk organised by Krys Gadd on Saturday 22nd June in Ilkley.  Click on here for details Summer Solstice Walk – 22nd June 2024 Ilkley – Moortown Baptist Church

Wednesday 26th June – Deacons and Shelley Away Day

Sunday 21st July Strawberry Tea 1-3pm raising money and awareness for those churches and individuals we are connected to in Romania.  More information to come.

Tuesday 10th September – whole church meeting 7.30pm in church and on zoom.

Finally, do keep an eye on the website for latest stories and news Moortown Baptist Church – Loving God, living generously, following Christ.

We also have a facebook page, look up Moortown Baptist Church or let us send you a friend request.  Thanks to all those who are working on this aspect of our ministry.

In Christ


Shelley Dring


Moortown Baptist Church


Down but not out – how to climb out of the hole

Just recently I was treating a client at the Crypt who is recovering well from addiction. As I was working on their injury they began to tell me that they had become a Christian a number of months previously – at a time when life seemed to be at its very worst.  Listening to the circumstances around this journey, I  could easily understand why they had reached this point of despair. But, they continued, they cried out for God to help them, and He did, and they attributed their recovery thus far totally to Him. They told me that now, every morning, they ask Him at the start of the day for His help to get through the day. They could see now – months later – so many ways in which He had helped them and turned their life around – it was impressive to hear all this and as I heard this story occurred to me  that maybe I should tell them how closely their experience matched Jeremiah’s experience in the book of Lamentations.

I explained he was known as the weeping prophet because he was clearly in a bad place as he relates just how bad things were before they then got better as he reminded himself who God was.

 Here it is paraphrased in The Messenger 

I’ll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness,  the taste of ashes, the poison I’ve swallowed- I remember it all – oh, how well I remember – the feeling of hitting the bottom. But there’s one other thing I remember, and remembering, I keep a grip on hope: God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great your faithfulness! I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.

Engulfed by a sense of overwhelming, the turning point for Jeremiah came when he realised – he was down but not out because the one thing he still had the mercy and the faithful love of an unchanging God, and he could change his thinking and start to look for God’s help to change things for him – he chose to change his focus from the problems to wait quietly for God’s rescue from the circumstances.

The client was genuinely stunned that the bible should relate such a parallel journey to their own and exclaimed “Does it really say that!” 

I copied the verses out for them and they left with less pain more movement and these verses in their pocket.

This interaction really blessed me, and also challenged me to choose to make this journey out of the gridlock of negative thoughts that it’s easy to feel engulfed by. 
Just who blessed whom that day I’m not sure …

Lord please give us your comfort when times are tough, strength when the path is steep and faith to trust in your amazing love.

Sunday 9th June,11am -Baptism Service

This Sunday we have 3 members of our congregation getting baptized, Diane,Jason & Mike. They have made the decision to make a public declaration of their faith in Jesus Christ.

We had our last baptisms on Easter Sunday which was a great celebration, 3 members of our congregation were baptized, Jason,Rebecca and Rowan.

Please see below a few pictures and a video.

Thinking of Baptism?

Here are a few scriptures:

Acts 2:38 – And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 22:16 – And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.

1 Peter 3:21 – Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19 – Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

It would be great to see you, all welcome, refreshments and cake will be served after the service too.

Shelley – 1st June 2024

Dear Friends

We look forward to seeing you at Café Church tomorrow at 11am. If you can’t make it, we will be going live on our YouTube channel. We’ll be looking at stories Jesus told, over the next few weeks and seeing why and how he told stories. Why do we tell stories? We’ve looked at some big themes lately including resurrection and trinity so can we see some of these themes weaved through Jesus’ stories?

In the evening Rock Solid group for our young people is back on at 7pm in church. Do talk to one of the leaders (Val, Martyn, Nathan and Adam or ask Shelley for more information.

Here’s a look at next week…

Monday 3rd June 10-12 noonWarm Welcome Beacon café. Come and share a free drink and breakfast snack. Chat or just spend some time in the space.
Tuesday 4th June 10-11.30amStepping Stones under 5’s group for children and their parents, grandparents and carers
Tuesday 4th JuneAfternoon house group in church
Wednesday 5th JuneLunch Club in church for all those registered with Rachel Beedle and the volunteers
Wednesday 5th June 7.30pmHouse group in church and online. See Ruth or Andy Berry.
Thursday 6th JuneMBC hosts the Leeds Community Health Care Children and young people’s learning forum in the morning
Thursday 6th June 2-4pmWarm Welcome craft group in church. See Karen Ross for more information.
Thursday 6th JuneBible study at 7pm-9pm in church. See Gareth Gadd
Friday 7th JuneBible study 10-11am in church. See Shelley if you are interested.
Friday 7th June 8pmHouse Group See Hilary/Jonathan or Steve/Helen or Lesley for more details.
Sunday 9th June 11-12 noonBaptism Service! Do come along and support Mike, Diane and Candice as they are baptised. If you would like to know more about baptism do chat with Shelley or one of the deacons.
Sunday 9th June 7-8pmRock Solid group for young people in church.

I would like to pass on a link to a letter that has been sent from John and Sue Wilson who have been BMS link partners with Moortown Baptist Church for a long time.

There is the possibility that they will be visiting us in October. Do pray for them and their family as they plan to leave France and their current ministry there and come back to live in England.

As you will read, they have had a great deal of good things happen there but also some challenges in the last year too, particularly with health in the family so would value your prayer. Please click on the link below.

Newsletter Download | BMS World Mission

Last Sunday Bela shared with us about the persecuted church. If you missed it you can hear it again on the YouTube channel for last Sunday’s service but there is also a helpful link here from Open Doors

Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide – Home – Open Doors UK & Ireland

Other dates to make a note of…

Saturday, 8 June 2024, 10am to 12pm (refreshments from 9.30am)Discipleship training with BMS. Rosehill Baptist Church, Healey Grange, Rosehill Road, Burnley BB11 2JS. Join us to hear about the explosive church growth happening through disciple making movements globally. You will learn how BMS’ local partners work and how we can adopt the same principles.
Saturday, 8 June 2024, 7pm (refreshments from 6.30pm)BMS Celebration at Briercliffe Road Church, Briercliffe Road/Melville Street, Burnley BB10 3DX. Let’s celebrate God’s goodness together. Kwame will share about BMS’ work and talk about “Rescue The Perishing, Care For The Dying”.
Whole church meeting on Tuesday 18th June at 7.30pm with Zoom Room.Agenda will come out prior to the meeting. For any agenda items, do let Shelley or one of the Deacons know in advance of the meeting, more details to follow.
Saturday 22nd JuneWalk organised by Krys Gadd in Ilkley. Click on here for details Summer Solstice Walk – 22nd June 2024 Ilkley – Moortown Baptist Church

In Christ


Shelley Dring


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