MBC’s Romanian Support Group host their annual strawberry cream tea and raise almost £2,000

It’s more than fifty years ago since students and former Moortown members Paul Hicks and his future wife Jean Mackintosh first visited Romania. Their purpose was to take theological books behind the “iron curtain” to help the work of a Romanian Baptist pastor who had studied at Regent’s Park College in Oxford.  

During that visit, and indeed for many years after the friendships that Paul and Jean had made way back in 1972 were kept up which meant that following the events of December 1989, events which saw the Communist system in Eastern Europe collapse, Moortown Baptist Church could be much more open about its support. This led to the formation of Mrs G (the Moortown Romanian Support Group) which over the years has contributed literally thousands of pounds worth of financial and practical support.

In  fact so strong has the bond between MBC and our brothers and sisters in Romania become that in more recent years not only have numerous two way visits taken place but two of their young pastors (Zsuzsi and Andor) spent part of their ministry training based here with us. 

The strawberry cream tea that you see illustrated above and below is just one of the annual projects that the Support Group arrange. 

This year, however, rather than being held at Howard Dews’ home it was here in church and collectively contributions towards the cream tea, the sale of Romanian crafts and some extremely generous donations raised a total of over £1,915.

On behalf of everyone connected with MrsG and of course the churches it supports may we say a huge thanks to all of you who came. 

Shelley – 20th July 2024

Dear Friends
Tomorrow we are looking forward to being together in our service at 11am and later from 3-5pm for our afternoon strawberry tea.  There’s no charge for the scones, strawberries and drinks, but donations are encouraged for the ministry of the churches we are supporting in Romania.

There will be some goods made by those in Romania available on the day. Everyone is welcome!  It’s a great chance to meet those who are part of different groups throughout the week. The youth in Rock Solid meet at the earlier time of 5pm tomorrow at church with bible study and outdoor games.  Tomorrow’s service will include sharing communion.  We have a group for our younger friends so they can explore the story creatively together.  Thanks to all those involved in sharing faith with our children and young people.

As we come to the Summer months some of our activities continue, pause, or simply change in style or frequency.  I have asked all those leading groups, including Lunch Club, Beacon and House Groups to let me know their plans and I will email these out to you at the beginning of next week.  Here’s a few things I know are definitely happening in the next few days…

Monday 22nd July 10-12 am Midday Beacon warm welcome space and café.
Tuesday 23rd July 12.30 pm House group in church. Bring a sandwich at 12.30.  Short studies through summer.  See Howard Dews
Tuesday 23rd July Deacons and Shelley meet in church at 7.30 pm
Wednesday 24th July Lunch Club with volunteers
Wednesday 24th July 7.30 pm House Group in church and on Zoom. See Ruth or Andy.
Thursday 25th July 2-4 pm warm welcome space craft group.  See Karen or Diane
Friday 26th July Bible study at 10 am in church (see Shelley or Brenda Thompson)
If in doubt, ask group leaders or Shelley or Lesley (back on Monday).
Next Sunday we’ll be looking at Luke 16:1-9 in a service from 11-12 midday, followed the week after by an all-age café church looking creatively at Luke 19:11-27.

More details about Summer at MBC at the beginning of next week!

Do keep looking on the website too.  Click on this link. This week’s new articles include a piece and pictures from the “Wise up to Ageism” course some of us were part of last Monday, and also an article about what happens when we are experiencing challenges in life that seem more ‘long haul’ rather than quick fixes…

See you tomorrow

In Christ

Shelley Dring

Wise up to Ageism… a report on MBC’s recent course

The aim of Wise Up to Ageism is to raise awareness and encourage people to discuss and reflect on ageism in our everyday lives. We also aim to help people challenge ageist attitudes.

The session explores five key areas:

Let’s talk about ageism – What is ageism and how widespread is it?

Ageism affects people of all ages – Whether we are younger, middle aged or older ageism affects us all

Older, different, equal – older people are diverse and ageing and ageism affect us      differently

Ageism. What does it do to us? – The impact of ageism on our health, self-worth, life expectancy, work and access to services

Time to feel good about ageing – Share the positives of ageing and celebrate the contributions made by older people.

The session was organised by MBC’s Rachel Beedle and was led by Sarah Prescott the Friendly Communities Development Officer for Leeds Older People’s Forum. 

Nine people completed the course including MBC volunteers and staff members.  We shared ideas and thoughts in a group and reflected on our own practice at MBC. This course complements our dementia friendly work as well as our safeguarding courses and contributes to our vision to make Moortown Baptist Church an accessible church where all have the opportunity to flourish.

Below are some interesting and useful links that Sarah Prescott has forwarded to us.

The Centre for Ageing Better’s report ‘Ageism: What’s the harm?’ is an evidence based overview of the impacts of ageism in the UK

The long haul… Jane Coates’ latest thoughts and prayers

The reference to the long haul in Jane’s latest Thoughts and Prayers reminded Shelley of a long haul flight –  a holiday perhaps.  Have a read and see what you think. 
Patience and endurance in the long haul
We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy. Colossians 1 v 11 NLT
Sometimes in life, the challenges that come are sudden, unexpected, urgent but may be short lived, so that the steep mountain of stress, discomfort and dismay, although unbearably and painfully challenging, is conquered, and life is able to move on at a pace again. But sometimes the challenge is not a sharp Himalayan climb but a long-drawn-out trek across an indistinguishable, barren route with few landmarks to guide, reassure and to measure progress. The road just goes on indefinitely into the future and it is hard to fix your eyes on that final victory. That kind of challenge needs an extra grace to keep going for the long haul.
There are many folks who are in this position who need the daily grit, energy, and patience to get up and get going, knowing that there will be many, many more days like this one. They need that patient endurance and stickability that Paul speaks of here. Even the most resourceful and strong need the power of our most glorious God to remain focussed and faith filled. This kind of stamina and strength cannot be worked up from nowhere. God provides it in abundance- and with joy as an added measure. He will provide the inner strength for the long haul.
It is comforting too to be accompanied on the journey by those who will walk parts of the road with you, lifting your spirits, encouraging, sharing and supporting in a myriad of ways, that may seem small to them, but which have the gift to move your steps forward. Be thankful for those companions and fellow hikers on the journey.
We are praying, too, that you will be filled with his mighty, glorious strength so that you can keep going no matter what happens—always full of the joy of the Lord, TLB
 We pray that you’ll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us. MSG
PRAY You are always worthy of praise and thanks. May we see beyond the daily circumstances and the challenges to Your beauty and goodness. We will sing praises to You because of your grace and love. You are our personal friend, ever present, our provider and your purposes are true and faithful.
Even to your old age and grey hairs
    I am He, I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
Isaiah 46 v 4

Who doesn’t like a strawberry cream tea?

Between 3-5pm on Sunday the 21st of July our friends here at MBC, that’s those folk who for many a year have supported a number of churches in Romania are holding their annual strawberry cream tea.

This year it’s here at church, and if it’s anything like those they have hosted in previous years it will be superb.

Be sure to put this date in your diary. 

Shelley – 13th July 2024

Dear Friends

I am reminded of this verse this week, you may know it as a song…

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
They are new every morning;
Great is your faithfulness”
(Lamentations3:22-23, NIV)

Words of hope from Jeremiah that despite the seemingly overwhelming circumstances, God’s love is steadfast, immoveable, and never runs out, ‘created new every morning’ as The Message bible describes. Our lives may be lived in a constantly changing world, but God’s love is firmly fixed, never ending, our true North as on a compass. As we continue to look at Jesus storytelling in Luke, we are reminded of God’s constant love for all and the joy and challenge to see things from His kingdom perspective. This brings adventure, cost, mess, excitement and learning. Last week we looked at a story in Luke 14 about inviting guests to a meal, this week we move onto Luke 12:13-21. You might want to read it or listen to it through the week and see what themes come to you.

Sunday 14th July Service 11-12 Luke 12:13-21 with a group for our younger friends
Sunday 14th 6.30-7.30pm Rock Solid for youth in church (note change of time just for this week)
Monday 15th July 10-12 midday Beacon Warm Welcome café
Monday 15th July 1-3pm (bring your lunch if you are staying after Beacon) ‘Wise up to Ageism’ course led by Leeds Older people’s forum
Tuesday 16th July Stepping Stones team ‘big sort out’ followed by lunch
Tuesday 16th July House Groups in the music room. See Rod Russell
Wednesday 17th July Lunch club for those booked in and the volunteers. See Rachel for more information
Wednesday 17th July Wednesday Worship 1.30-2pm in the music room
Wednesday 17th July PACT Police and Communities together 6.30pm-7.15pm in music room. Anyone welcome to meet local police, chat about the neighbourhood, especially those in the Moortown area. Shelley will be there.
Wednesday 17th July house group in church 7.30pm -9pm in the music room. See Ruth and Andy Berry
Thursday 18th July Warm welcome craft group 2-4pm See Karen Ross
Thursday 18th July Study on evangelism with Gareth Gadd 7-9pm in church
Friday 19th July Bible study in church at 10-11am. See Shelley for more information.
Friday 19th July House group at 8pm in Adel. See Hilary and Jonathan Darling or Steve or Helen Olijnyk
Sunday 21st July 11-12.15 service in church with communion and a group with activities for our younger friends Luke 18:9-14
Sunday 21st July 3-5pm Strawberry cream tea for all (donations go to Romania)
Sunday 21st July Rock Solid, see Val, Martyn, Nathan or Adam

Next deacons and Shelley meeting.. 23rd July 7.30pm in church
Tuesday 10th September 7.30pm Whole church meeting

Just a note that Lesley is on leave again this week.

Thanks to those helping with chairs between services/activities. We don’t have anyone specifically to perform this role yet, but if you are around on Sunday after church, Monday after Beacon, Wednesday after Lunch Club, or Thursday/Friday at some point, these are the times we reset the church. Please talk to myself, Karen, Rod or Adam if you can help.

One of our deacons, Mandy, is putting together a team of Fire Marshals. We explained more about this at the last church meeting and a couple of people stepped forward. Thanks to those. We still need two more people to join the team (there will be training) so if you want more information or would like to volunteer can you tell Mandy or myself, thanks so much.

It’s the Strawberry Cream Tea next Sunday, and all our mid-week groups have been invited too so it will be a chance to get to know more people in our community. If you can help with setting up or making tea or bringing scones or tidying afterwards, can you let me or Karen know please by the middle of next week? Do bring people along and come yourself!

See our website for all other information and articles written by those in church including one on a new musical based on the Hymn ‘It is well..’ Moortown Baptist Church – Loving God, living generously, following Christ. and a prayer course starting on Sunday 28th July. For the prayer course, some sessions are online and some have discussion in the building. It’s open to everyone and led by Krys Gadd with teaching on video from Pete Greig from 24/7 prayer Home – 24-7 Prayer International.

In Christ

Shelley Dring

MBC’s Craft Group meets at church on a Thursday at 2pm – here are three beautiful bracelets that were made there recently.

Unless we actually attend, it’s not very often that we get to see exactly what our Thursday afternoon crafters get up to. 

Well here, and many thanks to Karen Ross for forwarding these images on to us are three beautiful braclets that have been made right here at MBC.

If you have a gift for crafting (of any description) or maybe you just fancy trying your hand at producing something a bit different then speak with Karen or simply turn up at MBC any Thursday at 2pm. 

Shelley – 6th July 2024

Dear Friends

I was reminded of this verse on the Caring for life website.
“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
Words of Jesus to encourage us that with Him we shine as we do good things.  The glow can highlight a way forward in all sorts of different ways.  At Caring for life, the support is practical, emotional and spiritual.  Having just left the Caring for Life supporters’ day at Crag House Farm I can see some of this first hand in the people I meet and the buildings and goods made.  Every year at Moortown Baptist Church we send money and food at Harvest time to support the projects at the farm and I know many of you give other types of support throughout the year as well as enjoying the food in the café or buying things for the garden.  If you haven’t heard about the work they do then have a look here at their new introduction video www.caringforlife.co.uk

Another way of shining light is through the Arts.  In August there will be the first opportunity to see the musical ‘It is well with my Soul’ in Yorkshire. It’s a dynamic story of celebration, tragedy and hope behind the well-known hymn.  The musical was written by a friend of Nathan and I’s, and I spent 4 days choreographing movement last year for its London tour.  The nearest show to Leeds is Knaresborough on the 29th August.  Do get booked in.  If you would like to go but can’t get there let us know.  Equally if you can give lifts can you let us know too  It is Well with My Soul – Knaresborough at The Frazer Theatre event tickets from TicketSource

On 21st July we will be holding a strawberry tea 3-5pm with money raised going to our link churches in Romania.  There will be an opportunity to hear about these links next week in the service on the 14th July.  We are looking at following the tea with some games on the field with youth and anyone else who wants to join. If you can help with the tea, either with bringing scones or helping on the day, can you let Karen Ross or Howard Dews know or email/call Lesley in the office on Monday or let me know? Please note that Lesley is on leave from next Tuesday and will return on Wednesday 17th July.

Thanks to those who are helping to do the chairs between services/activities.  We don’t have anyone to do this role yet but if you are around on Sunday after church, Monday after Beacon, Wednesday after Lunch Club or Thursday at some point, these are the times we reset the church. Please talk to Karen if you can help with one of these times.

We continue to look at stories Jesus told in Luke on Sundays and Haddon is leading two sessions (both sessions will be the same content) next week about why Luke told the stories he did. The first sessions will be on Monday 8th July at 12.30-2.30 in the music room.  Feel free to bring your own lunch and eat at midday together before it starts.  The session will be repeated on Tuesday 9th July 7.30-9.30pm in the music room.

A reminder that on Monday 15th July 1-3pm we’ll be hosting a ‘Wise up to Ageism’ course led by a team from Leeds Older People’s Forum.  If you would like to attend, please email, or call Lesley or Rachel Beedle.  If there are spaces left, we will open the course up to those working locally in our community.

This week we saw a new government elected.  Some of you may be interested to read Lyn Green’s thoughts.  She is the General Secretary of Baptists Together.  See link below.  In Lyn’s thoughts she thanks Baptist churches for being involved in building positive relationships in communities.  Moortown Baptist Church was a polling station on 4th July and it was a great opportunity for those who were in the building to be open and friendly to those exercising their vote and volunteering on the day.  We had several people come and ask questions about church and a thanks to those, including people in craft group, for answering their questions and inviting them to our services and activities.  We also take turns to host the Alwoodley Community Forum (Rachel and I attend), the PACT meetings for Moortown as well as other events.  Last week I joined the Leeds Inter Faith forum to meet and pray for the new Lord Mayor, Abigail Marshall Katung.  I know some of you have other roles in our communities.  Do let me know if there is a way we can support you.

Post-Election Mailing to Churches (campaign-archive.com)

Also coming up…
Sunday 7th July All age Café church at 11-12 with refreshments and breakfast bits Luke 14:1-14… hospitality
Sunday 7th July 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth in church
Monday 8th July 10-12 midday Beacon warm welcome café  (talk and discussion on Luke in afternoon, see above)
Tuesday 9th July 10-11.30am Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers (last one before the summer break)
Tuesday 9th July house group in the music room.  See Rod Russell
Wednesday 10th July Lunch Club for those booked in and the volunteers.  See Rachel for more information
Wednesday 10th July  house group in church 7.30pm -9pm in the music room. See Ruth and Andy Berry
Thursday 11th July Warm welcome craft group 2-4pm
Thursday 11th July Study on evangelism with Gareth Gadd 7-9pm
Friday 12th July Bible study in church at 10-11am.  See Shelley for more information.
Friday 12th July House group at 8pm in Adel.  See Hilary and Jonathan Darling or Steve or Helen Olijnyk
Sunday 14th July 11-12 service in church with activities in a group for our younger friends (Luke 12:13-21)
Wednesday 17th July Wednesday worship at 1.30pm – 2pm in the music room
Tuesday 10th September 7.30pm Whole church meeting

In Christ

See you tomorrow


Shelley Dring

The stories of Luke. An invitation from Haddon Willmer to explore and discuss how and why Luke chose to share his account of the early Christian faith as he did.

On Monday the 8th of July between 12.30pm and 2.30 Haddon Willmer will be talking about and then leading a discussion based on the book of Luke.

As we are hearing on Sundays, Luke, in both his Gospel and in the Acts of the Apostles told stories of early Christian faith and life.  His stories were targeted invitations and searching provocations to turn from darkness to light. 

Join us at MBC for a couple of hours to explore how and why Luke told the story and stories as he did.  

Bring your lunch.

This session will be repeated on Tuesday 9th July 7.30pm to 9.30pm for those who would like to come on an evening.  Feel free to pass this on to those you think are interested.

Wise up to Ageism – Monday July 15th

Monday 15th July at 1pm in the MBC Music Room ‘Wise up to Ageism’. 

The course will be led by a team from Leeds Older People’s Forum and will help us to keep developing as an Age Friendly Church. 

There are 20 places and if you would like to attend, please email, or call Lesley Murphy to pass your details on to Rachel Beedle or of course directly to Rachel.

If there are spaces left, we will open the course up to the those working locally in our community.   .

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