Jane Coates. Thoughts and prayers. LIGHT.

He wraps himself in light as if it were a robe, spreading out the sky like a canopy, Psalm 104 v 2 NIV

You’re a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light. Psalm 36 v 9 MSG

Children are fascinated by light, rainbows and colour. The concept of light is challenging for small children, especially the idea that white light can be separated into rainbow colours, or even bent by passing the light through a glass prism. Yet, when I was teaching in primary school, the children loved to explore and have fun with different shaped prisms, making rainbows. The scientific explanation of different wavelengths or colours of light being refracted or dispersed by different amounts, causing them to separate, coming out of the prism at different angles, creating that wonderful spectrum, was often way beyond them. That would come later. But for now, it was fun to make rainbows.

We have some wonderful colourful light objects at home which delight the grandchildren. A multi-faceted glass crystal, a multicoloured lamp, and a magic book that opens with different kinds of light. These things delight and give joy.

Our early understanding of the God who created light from nothing, and Jesus as the Light of the world, are perhaps childlike in some ways. Some concepts are very hard to grasp. I love the description of our Creator God in Psalm 104, a Psalm which is very reminiscent of the Genesis creation account. Our Creator God wraps Himself in light. He made moon to mark the seasons, and the sun that knows when to go down. He set the earth on its foundations; and the land is satisfied by the fruit of his work. He is a fountain of cascading light.

We are now the children of light, and we live in the light of Christ. “You yourselves used to be in the darkness, but since you have become the Lord’s people, you are in the light. So, you must live like people who belong to the light.” Ephesians 5 v 8 GNT

The God who said, “Out of darkness the light shall shine!” is the same God who made His light shine in our hearts, to bring us the knowledge of God’s glory shining in the face of Christ.

2 Corinthians 4 v 6 GNT

May we reflect the light of Jesus, as children of light. May our words and lives be attractive, winsome, so that others notice something rather different in us and be attracted to the source of that light and energy. May our lights shine in the shadows and the dark places. May our lights point out the way for others.

A Celtic Circle Prayer

Circle me Lord, Keep hope near, And evil afar.”
Circle me Lord, Keep light near, And darkness afar.”
Circle me Lord, Keep peace within, Keep fear out.”
Circle me Lord, Keep hope within, Keep doubt without.

Mighty God,
My protection be
Encircling me.
You are around
My home, my street
Encircling me
O Sacred Three.

Jane Coates

7th October 2024

Jane Coates. Thoughts and prayers. Grace in the place – the place of testing.

Unanticipated trials and challenges are generally not welcomed. We may hope that we will somehow be saved and protected from these kinds of things and yet often this is not the case, and the road in front of us may suddenly become difficult, discouraging, beyond our understanding, and perhaps also beyond our usual coping mechanisms. Yet we try to keep walking in trust along with our faithful God. It would be easy to harbour negative thoughts, to complain, go into avoidance mode, or even begin to doubt our trust and confidence in the God who loves us. But on this kind of journey, we need to know and to depend on the God who will be there with us. We need to know that in that time of hard testing, He will keep us safe. Can we trust that He will give us the resources and strength for whatever we need on any testing journey?
Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and He will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.
1 Corinthians 10 v 13 GNT
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus modelled a prayer marked by a relationship and a trust in His Father. We may pray for protection against the ills, trials, tests and challenges of life in our own lives and that of our families, but there is no guarantee of this for us. What He does promise to us is to keep us safe and to walk with us though the experience and the trial.
Do not bring us to hard testing but keep us safe from the Evil One. Matthew 6 v 13 GNT
I have learned from experience that it can be helpful to prepare for the unexpected, the twists and turns in life, the shocks and the shadows. This is not to be gloomy or fearful of the tests and trials that may come, but not to be shocked by them. Anticipation and preparation are two significant things that we can build on. So, how may we prepare ourselves for the bumps in the road? For they will surely come at some point. They are the kinds of tests that’ normally come.’ We need to safeguard and grow that close relationship with the Father, trust His faithfulness, and grace and curb that desire to rely on our own strength and ability.
I have just watched Sunday’s Songs of Praise, and the closing hymn was the beautiful hymn written by George Matheson. The hymn assures us that Love will not let us go, that he will seek us through the pain and trials, and that there will be a rainbow after rain.
O Love, that wilt not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in Thee;
I give Thee back the life I owe,
That in Thine ocean depths its flow
May richer, fuller be.
O Joy, that seekest me through pain,
I cannot close my heart to Thee;
I trace the rainbow through the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain
That morn shall tearless be.
I am safe in the deep waters, the shallows, the turbulent, crashing waves, because you are holding me. Help me to trust you.
Jane Coates
20th September 2024

Jane Coates. Thoughts and prayers. Do not say I am only…

Do not say I am only…
Dear God
please untie the knots
that are in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have not’s,
the can not’s and the do not’s
that I have in my mind.
Erase the will not’s,
may not’s
might not’s that may find
a home in my heart.
Release me from the could not’s,
would not’s and
should not’s that obstruct my life.
And most of all,
Dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind,
my heart, and my life, all of the ‘am not’s’
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought,
that I am not good enough
There are many characters in the Bible accounts who felt inadequate, unworthy, felt too old or too young, who were powerless with words, were unloved, were of the wrong cultural group or nationality, who were childless, or heart broken. There were those who felt that the task that God was giving them was too much and that they were surely not the right person for the job. They did not have the skill set or aptitude for the role. But God reminded them of who He was and His grace.
Jeremiah “Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do pnot know how to speak; I am too young.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 1 v 6-8 NIV
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
Exodus 3 v 11 NIV. 
Then Moses went out and spoke these words to all Israel: I am now a hundred and twenty years old and I am no longer able to lead you. Deuteronomy 31 v 2 NIV
Leah felt unloved and sidelined. When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, He enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless. She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “Because the Lord heard that I am not loved, He gave me this one too. Genesis 29 v31-33
Hannah “I am a woman who is deeply troubled.  I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. 1 Samuel 1 v 15
John “After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.  Mark 1 v 7
We can perhaps identify with many of the characters in the Bible who felt that they were not up to the mark. But, whenever we feel inadequate, have made a mistake, wonder what on earth we think we are doing, have a crisis of confidence, worry that we have made a wrong choice, feel a failure at our given task, then remind yourself of who you are in Christ. Remember that you are loved, you are chosen, you are forgiven, you are accepted, you have the peace of Christ, and you are His workmanship. He has not finished with you yet.
Oh God of second chances and new beginnings, here I am again. Nancy Spiegelberg
God be in my head, and in my understanding.
God be in mine eyes, and in my looking.
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking.
God be in my heart, and in my thinking.
God be at my end, and at my departing.
A Medieval Prayer 1538

Encounters: I can see clearly. Mark 10 and Mark 8. Jane Coates’ “first person” take on two sight miracles

Bartimaeus of Jericho. I live in Jericho. I spend my days sitting by the roadside, unable to work or provide for myself. It is lonely by the roadside, but I have learned to listen carefully, to read the mood of passers-by and to know if they will help or ignore the blind man begging at their feet. I have learned to listen to the crowds, to the children with their games, to the mothers scolding or singing to their children. I have also heard tales of the Teacher Jesus, the Jesus of Nazareth who people called the son of David and who they hope will be the One to save Israel. I will never forget the day it happened. On that day there would be a breakthrough in my life that I could never have thought possible. Let me tell you how it happened. I was begging by the roadside as usual when I heard the noise of a very large crowd. Someone shouted across to me that it was Jesus of Nazareth and His followers on their way out of the city. So, I started to shout out for help. “Son of David, have mercy on me!” I got louder and louder. “Son of David, have mercy on me!” The crowd tried to shut me up. They told me to stop, to leave the roadside. They would have kicked me into silence if they could have. But I shouted even more and called out even more loudly. I would not be silenced. I would not be rebuked or held back. He had such a gentle voice. I heard Him say “Call him.” He had heard my cries and called for me. I was helped up to my feet and throwing off my cloak I was directed into the presence of Jesus. “What do you want me to do for you?” He asked. My words were brief. “Rabbi, I want to see.” He simply said, “Go, your faith has saved you.” It was instant, dramatic, life changing. I saw the crowd. I saw the face of Jesus, the Teacher, the One who had healed me and at that moment I made the decision to leave everything and to follow Him. The man of Bethsaida. I live in Bethsaida. One thing that you should know about me is that I am blind and so I depend on others to lead and to help. One day, news spread in the town, with great excitement, that Jesus, the healer was travelling through with His disciples. He had been this way before and so His reputation had gone before Him. The news was now out there and could not be silenced. My friends had heard of this Jesus and were determined to get me to Him. “Surely He will heal you” they said, “as He has healed others”. So, they almost dragged me out of my home, leading me hurriedly to the Healer. They brought me before Him and pleaded with Him, begged Him, urging Him to consider my situation and to show mercy and to heal. What happened next was strange beyond words. The Healer gently took hold of my arm and carefully led me out of the town to a quiet place, away from prying eyes. I am used to this kind of help, but His hand, His touch was different- gentle, sensitive, loving. What happened next was even stranger, almost bizarre and totally unexpected- a shock really. I was aware of Him spitting on my eyes and gently touching them. Then He asked me “do you see anything?” Things at first seemed to be blurred, unclear, hazy and indistinct. Once again, He touched my eyes and as I looked intently into the far distance I could see clearly, perfectly and the realization of what had just happened began to dawn on me. I could see men. I could see clearly. And I could see Jesus. But the strangeness continued as He told me not to go straight back to town. “Do not enter the village,” He said. I believe that He did not want me to immediately broadcast what had just happened to me. But surely within days the news would spread? How could I keep this quiet? Thoughts It was after this event that Jesus took His disciples to one side and asked them some very significant and searching questions. “Who do people say I am?” and then “Who do you say I am?” Jesus. I believe that He was asking them to deeply consider what kind of Christ they thought Him to be. What was their understanding of Jesus as Saviour or Messiah, and could they understand the nature of the suffering that He would encounter? Often, I lose sight of Jesus. I don’t have my eyes fixed on Him. Quite often my vision is blurred, out of focus or just short sighted. Like the man of Bethsaida, I need to look intently, carefully and to keep looking. I need to see Jesus for who He is and to keep Him in my sights. The Message version puts it this way. “The man looked hard and realized that he had recovered perfect sight, saw everything in bright, twenty-twenty focus”. v 26 May we have Jesus in twenty-twenty focus and follow Him. Jane Coates

Encounters, the Good Samaritan, Luke 10. Another of Jane Coates’ superbly crafted Monday morning thoughts

Perhaps I was foolish for being a solitary traveller on that mountain road, but my journey was urgent. The attack, when it happened was brutal, shocking and I lost everything that I had including my clothing. I was left for dead with no means of identification, little chance of discovery or help. Although barely conscious I was aware of two people who had passed on the road without stopping. I was frightened for my life, fearing that it would end here, battered, abandoned and alone. But then my rescue came and from someone who would be regarded as my enemy, the ‘other’, the outcast, the infidel, the foreigner and the despised one. It was life-saving compassion. He had no regard for my ‘otherness’, my tribe, status, religious connection or observance. He dealt with my wounds and made plans for my care. The Injured 

When I saw the tangled mess of flesh and blood how could I turn away and not stop to help? Here was a desperate man struggling with injuries that could cause his death. His identity, status, racial group became irrelevant. At that point, he became my neighbour, my family, my brother – a relationship not defined by any normal boundaries – but by his sheer need. I had the means to help him. The risk to my own life on that road was hopefully small. I knew the road, the Inn and I had the means to help. The Inn keeper knew that I am a man of my word and that I would be good for the money when I next returned. My heart stirred and action followedThe Rescuer 


The Samaritan offered a costly compassion. He could have acted out of fear and so taken no action but to move along, considering his own safety. But he did not act out of fear. He acted out of compassion for ‘the other’. It was scary, involved physical effort and energy, was financially costly, took initiative, planning, promises and assurances. 

“Who is my neighbour?” My neighbour may be one to whom I would least expect to be a neighbour. Jesus changed the question round completely to “what does a neighbour do?” Jesus showed a very clear picture of what a neighbour does. His final words are “Go and do likewise” further reinforcing the message “Do this and you will live”. May we never act out of fear but always out of love. 

When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9 v 36 

Pray Our Afghan neighbours are experiencing acute distress and terror. Afghan Christians are vulnerable and fleeing to the hills to hide as escape routes out of Afghanistan are closed to them. There is the constant fear of being reported to the Taliban. Women, and girls over the age of twelve, avoid going out on to the streets. Those who worked for NATO and western countries may be left behind as the August 31 deadline approaches and evacuation concludes. Families who are re-settled in the west face dramatic adjustments to their circumstances, culture and language. We pray for compassion and practical care for those in Afghanistan and those who are re-settled in a new life in western countries. 

Jane Coates – Monday 30th August

Encounters: The alabaster jar, Luke 7v 36-50

The alabaster jar has been sitting on the shelf for as long as I can remember. Just sitting there, unopened, gathering the dust of years. I can barely look at it. The jar is meant to be so full of promise – a gift from a parent to a child to be given to the new husband and broken at his feet as an act of commitment, honour and devotion. But I have no need of such a gift or promise. There is no one who would consider me as a bride. My hopes are unfulfilled, wasted, as the jar sits there accusing me, as I have given myself to so many different men. I have lost count of the number of men who have used and abused me. I do not know their names and I am now nameless and ashamed, my entitlement to marriage gone. But the jar of precious perfume, the oil that should be poured out as an act of extravagant love, sits there still.  

I heard that a new teacher had arrived in town. It was said that He was a friend of tax collectors and sinners, that He loved the un-loveable, that He touched the untouchable, that He could heal and that He could forgive sin. My sin lays heavily upon me and burdens my soul and my very being. The weight of it is crushing me. Could this teacher lift the weight of my guilt and sin and set me free? I was no longer afraid of those who judged, accused, tormented, hurt and spat at me in the street. I would walk past them and their taunts and find this Jesus. I would pass their doors and windows and seek the mercy of the One who says that He can forgive and redeem. 

But how can I enter the house of the Pharisee? I have met with so much rejection that it is an old friend to me. so, I will not knock at the door to be turned away. I have decided. I will take my precious jar, the one thing that I have and enter secretly, quietly, unnoticed. My one thing I will give to Him, pouring out the precious oil from the jar, as my act of love. I am nothing. So, I entered the room secretly, hiding my face and settled at the feet of the prophet, the One on whom all my hopes were laid as He reclined at table. My heart was bursting with emotion – my overwhelming need, my longing for forgiveness and relief, my love and devotion for the one who could turn my life around. And so, my scarf falls away and as my tears fall freely, I wash His feet, dry them with my hair and pour out the precious perfume on His feet. The room is filled with the perfume but also the angry silence of the onlookers and the Pharisee. He says nothing. He does nothing. They are all stunned by the sight before them. 

The horrified silence is broken by the gentle words of the teacher Himself. “Simon, I have something to say to you”. A story of forgiveness followed, a story of two debtors, one who owed little and one who owed a great deal. Both were relieved of their debt and released. Then a gentle rebuke to the Pharisee. “You gave me no warm greeting, water for my feet, or oil for my head and yet this woman has not failed to wash and kiss my feet and anoint them with oil.” He knew me. He had seen my need and my love, my silent pleading and repentance and gave His forgiveness and His peace. I will remember His words until my dying day: “Your sins are forgiven.” “Your faith has saved you, go in peace.” Those words are written on my heart. 

My precious alabaster jar with its perfume is gone – but so is my sin. 

The Pharisee had seen my lifestyle, my notoriety and my many sins. He had not seen me. The teacher had seen my heart, my sorrow, my desperate need for change and my longing for a new way of love. He had found me. I left that place in peace. 

Jane Coates. 16 August 2021

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