The Book of Daniel dealt with political issues of the day as well as matters still relevant to the wider church today. The book gives the final outcome of events of this age and the issues that are at work in the world today.
Daniel is important for us to study because Jesus, in the Olivet Discourse, quoted only from the Book of Daniel: The Book of Revelation is harder to understand without The Book of Daniel: and with Daniel, Paul’s revelation concerning “the man of sin” is made more clear.
We will follow an audio recording for the first hour and then discuss what we have heard for hour two. An accompanying booklet will be available. Dependent on the discussions we will investigate other material also.
As a group we will also pray for each other and for the church.
All are welcome.
Gareth Gadd
John Sherbourne
More thoughts from New York – Jane Coates
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
(From the hymn And can it be by Charles Wesley)
The Statue of Liberty is perhaps one of the most familiar landmarks that comes to mind when you think of New York. Lady Liberty stands as a symbol of equality, freedom, and democracy. Most people who visit the statue will do so by boat around the island on which she stands, and so they will never see some of the finer details concerning the statue. One very significant thing, that perhaps goes unnoticed, even on pictures and photos of the statue, are the broken shackles and chains, at the feet of the woman, representing freedom from oppression and tyranny.
This made me think about that amazing account of the healing of the man in the land of the Gerasenes by Jesus- a man who was homeless, not in his right mind, naked and living an isolated life among the tombstones in the graveyard. He was fastened with shackles and chains but even broke free from these at times. What a horrible existence that must have been. “This spirit had often taken control of the man. Even when he was placed under guard and put in chains and shackles, he simply broke them and rushed out into the wilderness, completely under the demon’s power.” Luke 8 v 29 NLT
People were so frightened of him -his behaviour, appearance and his shackles and chains. Jesus went to the land of the Gerasenes to reach and to free just this one person. The transformation of the man was so complete that he was seen sitting at the feet of Jesus, fully clothed, perfectly sane, so that all who witnessed this were very afraid. His chains and shackles gone, and he was now free.
In Isaiah 58 verse 6 we read these beautiful words of liberation. “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
PRAY for those who feel oppressed, trapped, held back, isolated, vulnerable, persecuted and set apart-that they might experience the liberation that Jesus longs to give to them. Pray also for justice, mercy, and freedom to be seen in the many areas of conflict that we hear of in our world.
There is a plaque at the foot of the statue contains a famous poem, by Emma Lazarus 1883, with these memorable words at the end the poem.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries sheWith silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Emma Lazarus 1883
Shelley – 10th Feb
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 11am for Sunday morning worship where we look at the story of Ananias in Acts 9, following on from the last few weeks about hearing from God and following the call…There will be a group for our younger members too.
On Wednesday, as well as it being Valentines Day, the season known as lent begins. It’s a time of about 6 and a half weeks, inspired by Jesus time in the wilderness spent fasting and praying. However you spend your days, in the busyness or quiet, it maybe something you would like to engage in and we’ll be sharing some thoughts on Sundays and throughout lent. In lent, people often talk about giving things up or being mindful of things we hold onto. Paintner, in her book ‘A different kind of fast’ reminds us that the purpose of these acts of letting go “ always in service of love…. We fast so as to clear space within our minds and hearts and souls to await what holy newness is being revealed to us..”
Now I am revealing new things to you, things hidden and unknown to you, created just now, this very moment..
(Isaiah 48:6-7)
Some dates coming up…
Sunday 11th February – Pastoral team meet up with lunch after church in the building
Sunday 11th February – Rock Solid for young people 7pm-8pm in the building
Monday 12th February – Beacon warm welcome café – free and open to all 10-12midday in the building
Tuesday 13th February – No Stepping Stones this week as its half term but if you can help Diane do some cleaning and tidying then do have a chat with her. They will be in the creche on Tuesday morning.
Tuesday 13th February – House group in the building – contact lesley or one of the deacons
Wednesday 14th February – No lunch club this week. Safeguarding level 1 in church.
Wednesday 14th February – Housegroup in church at 7.30pm See Ruth/Andy Berry or Shelley
Thursday 15th February – craft group and warm welcome space 2-4pm in the church building
Friday 16th February – bible study in church at 10am See Robert or Carol Owen
Sunday 18th February – 11am service in church with group for our younger friends.. with communion
Sunday 18th February – Rock Solid for young people 7pm-8pm in the building
The next church meeting is Tuesday 27th February at 7.30pm
Other things to have a look at…
Leeds Lent Prayer Diary 2024 – Leeds Christian Community Trust (
We have just been accepted as a ‘Place of welcome’. We are already a Leeds City Council welcome space and we meet the criteria for a places of welcome too. This means that following our application form, we are eligible for some more financial funding to support Beacon, craft group and other initiatives that meet the similar criteria. See details here About — Places of Welcome
For those who have or know young people.. you may want to go on this zoom webinar that allows space to discuss big questions of faith
And also a podcast episode for EVERYONE about how God is moving amongst young people in the UK today….
Youth: Help! – 24-7 Prayer International
The 24/7 app lectio is running a lent course entitled ‘wilderness tales’ online.. details here… Lectio 365 – 24-7 Prayer International
The deacons and myself met for an away day and an evening this week to pray, plan, catch up with jobs in church and workshop ideas. We’ll share some of what went on at the next church meeting. Thanks to those praying for us. If you feel you are being called to leadership or you recognise that in someone else do keep praying and share that with a deacon, myself or someone you trust.
In Christ
Tomorrow is café church so it would be great to see you there. Some of our beacon friends who don’t usually come on a Sunday are hoping to make it so do look out for those who you haven’t seen before. We start at 11am and aim to finish about midday and we’ll have the usual drinks and fruit and pastries. We continue to think about God’s voice and call. Last week we heard about John the Baptist’s call in the wilderness (see Chris Singh’s message ) and this week we develop it further looking at how the church can respond; we’ll look at Matthew 28. On Sunday 11th February we welcome Andy Hobbs to come and share with us on a similar theme, this time in Acts 9. There will be a group for our younger friends. Then on Sunday 18th February we start our new lent series.
Dates to remember…
Sunday 4th February – after café church, meet up in the building for all who help lead and teach children on Sunday mornings
Sunday 4th February – Rock Solid for young people 7pm-8pm in the building
Monday 5th February – Beacon warm welcome café – free and open to all 10-12midday in the building
Tuesday 6th February – Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers 10-11.30pm
Tuesday 6th February – House group in the building – contact lesley or one of the deacons
Tuesday 6th February – 7.30pm Deacons and Shelley meet up in church
Wednesday 7th February – lunch club, see Rachel Beedle or Lesley for more information
Wednesday 7th February – Housegroup in church at 7.30pm See Ruth/Andy Berry or Shelley
Thursday 8th February – craft group and warm welcome space 2-4pm in the church building
Friday 9th February – bible study in church at 10am See Robert or Carol Owen
Friday 9th February – Deacons and Shelley away day to pray and share what we have noticed and where God is leading
Sunday 11th February – 11am service in church with group for our younger friends
Sunday 11th February – pastoral team meet up with lunch after church in the building. If you would like to see what the group do, want more information or you want to be part of what happens more formally in terms of pastoral work, then do come along.
The next church meeting is Tuesday 27th February at 7.30pm
We do keep praying for situations around the world. You may have one place in your mind at the moment or many. If you want to meet up with others to pray and are not sure how to go about it, do get on touch with me.
Thank you for your and prayer and do continue to pray for the leadership of the church at MBC; for those who are serving and for those who will serve, for those who are discerning their place in this and for those who lead without realising.
You are all important to us and to God, whatever part you play and however often you join in when you join in love. It’s good to be part of community.
“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Ephesians 4:16)
Thoughts from New York – by Jane Coates
The Oculus, at the World Trade Centre in New York, is a stunning and beautiful piece of architecture. Its functional role is that of a transportation hub and shopping complex with 12 subway lines, the World Trade Centre PATH station, numerous shops, farmers markets, art exhibitions, musical performances and more. Over a million people every week come through this hub. Designed by Santiago Calatrava, the structure was intended to embody a powerful concept of hope and resilience, rooted in the tragedy of 9/11. The elegant, white, metal structure is intended to portray a bird about to take flight from the hands of a child and is seen as a symbol of hope, release, and resilience in the face of every adversity and obstacle.
Here is the science bit. Apparently, the Oculus building is in alignment with the sun’s solar angles and there is a small opening in the roof of the Oculus, a skylight, through which the sun shines through. Each September 11, from 8:46 a.m., when the first plane struck, until 10:28 a.m., when the second tower collapsed, this central skylight in the roof matches perfectly with this alignment and the floor of the Oculus becomes flooded with a beam of light.
Such symbols of hope are powerful. It made me go back to the Old Testament again and to read the account of Noah, the ark of rescue, the receding waters, the rainbow as a covenant sign of hope, and the release of the dove from Noah’s hands.
He (Noah) also released a dove to see if the water had receded and it could find dry ground. But the dove could find no place to land because the water still covered the ground. So, it returned to the boat, and Noah held out his hand and drew the dove back inside. After waiting another seven days, Noah released the dove again. This time the dove returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. Then Noah knew that the floodwaters were almost gone. He waited another seven days and then released the dove again. This time it did not come back. Genesis 8 v 8-12 NLT
As we read and watch the TV news, we know that there is evidence of wrong, evil intention, the overuse of power and the destruction of others. God sees and knows. “I will never again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood. I will never again destroy all living things. Genesis 8 v 21 NLT
There are always signs of hope. Let us continue to look towards the light that comes streaming through and sometimes when we least expect it.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13 v 6-7 NIV
Shelley – in the lead up to Deacon’s elections here are some “qualities” you may find useful when considering who to approach
We look forward to meeting again tomorrow at 11am in the building and online where we continue to hear about God’s voice speaking to guide us. Last week we concentrated on Joseph in Matthew 2 and this week we move to Luke 3, ‘a voice in the wilderness’. It seems appropriate in a world where there are so many voices, some good and some not so good to be reminded that God has spoken and He is speaking. How do we hear it? When and where? Let’s keep talking…
Tomorrow I will not be in the building in the morning as I have a morning away but I look forward to catching up with you in the week.
News and dates….
Please do make a note, pray for the groups and chat about any of the following…I am aware that there is a lot to pray about both in our world and in our community so if you want to get together with others to pray and you feel you don’t know where to start then do get in touch.
Sunday 28th January 11am Service all together with activities in church for younger friends
Sunday 28th January 7-8pm Rock solid for youth . A younger teen and older teen group meet at the same time in the church building. Talk to Val, Martyn, Adam or Nathan for more information.
Monday 29th January 10-12midday Beacon café and warm welcome space
Tuesday 30th January 10-11.30pm Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their carers/parents/grandparents
Tuesday 30th January afternoon Housegroup in the building See Rod Russell
Wednesday 31st January Lunchclub See Rachel Beedle for details
Wednesday 31st January Housegroup in the building (and on zoom) 7.30-9.15 See Ruth or Andy Berry
Wednesday 31st January Housegroup – see Diane Sunter
Thursday 1st February Craft group and warm welcome space 2-4pm in the building, all welcome, See Karen Ross and Diane Sunter
Friday 2nd February Bible study at 10-11am in the church building See Robert and Carol Owen
Friday 2nd February 8pm housegroup See Hilary/Jonathan Darling or Steve/Helen Olejnik
Sunday 4th February Café church in the building 11-12am all welcome
Other things to know…
On Saturday 3rd February there is a New Wine Women’s Day called Reset in Huddersfield. A couple of women from Wednesday night house group (Ruth and Andy’s group) have just booked. Here are details. Best to get tickets in advance as it tends to sell out. Ask Ruth or myself for more details or click the link here Reset – New Wine Women’s Day 24 – New Wine (
The next Deacons team meeting is February 6th at 7.30pm in the building and the Deacons away day with Shelley is on Friday 9th February. The 9th February date will be less operational than the Tuesday evening session, more strategic with prayer, looking at where God is leading us and how we can best support the church in this. It continues from our October away day. Connected to this is looking at leadership. We are always looking for those who have/may have the gift or calling to lead or are already leading or wanting to develop in this. Many lead in different capacities and don’t realise and need encouragement along the way. The role of deacon is part of that. An email went out this week about Deacons elections. If you didn’t get it then do email Lesley. Do talk to myself or any of the current deacons if you want to have a chat.
The next church meeting is Tuesday 27th February at 7.30pm
A couple of meet ups…
Sunday 4th February 1-2pm Meet up in church for those who lead/help with children’s work on Sunday mornings. We’ll be praying and planning a series through lent to Easter. Please let me know if you can make it. I can get lunch bits for us.
Sunday 11th February 1pm Meet up in church for those in the pastoral team with lunch provided. Talk to Jane Coates or myself. For details to come.
There are practical jobs happening around the church including the cutting down of the Ash tree as it has ‘Ash die back’. The deacons will be in touch about other things that are happening. If you notice anything or want to help with anything do contact them. You don’t need to wait for a church meeting.
In Christ
Roger Robson presents MBC’s BMS Report for 2023
Moortown Baptist Church has been a faithful supporter of BMS World Mission ever since the Church’s foundation in 1955. This support has been through regular financial giving; through
prayer and hosting missionary activities; and through the numerous church members who have served overseas with B.M.S. for lengthy and shorter periods. We endeavour to continue that support, and this is a brief report of the ways we have done so in 2023.
Financial Support. In Total the church gave £13,306 to BMS (down £950 on 2022). The total was made up of :- Church Tithe £3,960, Birthday ~ Scheme £1,978 (21 Scheme members), Personal Monthly, one-off gifts £6,918 (7 Individuals), Bardai Hospital Appeal £450. This is the giving through MBC. There are also some individual gifts made direct to BMS from Moortown members. This is a commendable response to supporting those who work for God’s Kingdom overseas.
However, it is increasingly dependent on a small minority of Church members, mainly in the older age group. It would be great if more people could join the Birthday Scheme (Giving an annual donation on your Birthday) or making regular monthly gifts. Roger Robson can tell you about both these schemes.
Visits from our Church Mission Partners. As well as supporting the work of BMS in general, MBC currently focuses our support on 2 missionary couples – both of whom were able to visit us in 2023. These personal visits bring the work in other countries alive and are very encouraging. Our visitors were:- Mark and Andrea Hotchkin BMS Doctors in Bardai, Northern Chad. About 30 people met Mark and Andrea on 1 st August for a buffet lunch, followed by an excellent presentation about Chad and Bardai, and a question-and-answer session. We learned about Mark and Andrea’s sense of God’s call to work as Christian doctors in Africa, during their medical training at Leeds University. They have worked with BMS in Guinea (W. Africa) and now for many years in Chad, one of the world’s poorest countries. They are now at Bardai –a small town with a hospital in the north of Chad in the Sahar region. Their continuing sense of call and their self-sacrifice and care for the people was movingly communicated and afterwards we raised a good donation for the Hospital Appeal.
John and Sue Wilson BMS Pastors and Church Leaders in Paris.
Unfortunately, Sue was unable to come with John on his visit to our Beacon café on October 2nd. John and Sue have been our Mission partners for many years. John grew up at MBC and in the 1980’s served as Youth Minister. He and Sue then had a first full Pastorate in Falmouth, and it was there that they felt called to work in ministry in France. They have been there for over 30 years. Their longest pastorate in Lyon was blessed greatly by God, and the Lyon Baptist Church was recognised, in secularist France! as an important part of the city’s community. After their family all had left home, John and Sue moved to Paris, pastoring a city centre Baptist church, whilst John also has a leading training role for new ministers in the French Baptist Federation and Sue takes a leading role in organising the Youth Work of the Federation. John spent time chattng with lots of people at Beacon and spoke briefly and effectively on “N’aie pas peur, car Je suis avec toi” (Isaiah 41 v 10) Very relevant to this time of fear throughout the world.
We look forward this year to either one (or both?) of our Mission Partners being able to visit us for a Sunday service so that a wider number of MBC folk will be able to meet and hear from them.
Publicity and Sharing. Our Mission partners write regular News/Prayer letters which are posted on our Church Newsletter and the MBC website. Their letters are also displayed on the BMS noticeboards in the Church sanctuary and the Meeting Area. These can help us to pray more meaningfully for their work and the people they minister to.
Reading the Engage Magazine also keeps us up to date with other BMS work around the world. Copies are free and can be picked up in church, but the best way is to receive your free copy posted direct to you 3 times a year! Again see Roger Robson about arranging this.
We live in a time of many crises, dangers and needs, and support for the church overseas and for those from our country who are working for God’s Kingdom in the world is a vital part of Jesus’ Great Commission. (Matthew 28 v 19-20). This commission is to all of us.
Shelley – 20th January
Dear friends
I recently read in the book ‘Wintering’ by Katherine May, that robins don’t migrate in winter unlike many other UK birds, that their bright plumage stands out even on the greyest days and they sing all the way through the darkest months. Occasionally other birds will sing in winter but its often to ward off other predators, but robins sing because they can, even though its far too early to attract a female robin in Spring, its as if they are ‘practicing for happier times’. They sing for now and they sing for what is to come.
Psalm 59 by David is entitled in my bible: “For the director of music. To the tune of “Do Not Destroy.” Of David. When Saul had sent men to watch David’s house in order to kill him.” David sings of his enemies being close, but he also sings……”But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.” (psalm 59:16)
In Acts 16:25 Paul and Silas sing in their prison chains before the prison chains came loose and the prison doors flew open. And Jesus sang with his friends before going to the Mount of Olives (Mark 14:26)
Sometimes we sing and we don’t know why. Sometimes we sing and it doesn’t seem to ‘fit’ with what happening around us.
Like the robin, it stands out in a sea of grey. Like the robin, we sing because we can. Like the robin, our song has lots of different notes, tones and variations. And sometimes it’s a song of promise, for happier times to come.
Maybe it’s a good reminder in wintertime that we each have a song. The song connects with who we are. How do we encourage others in their song?
This week some of us have been at the fresh streams leadership conference. John has written a short article for the website here Fresh Streams 2024 – discipleship in theory and in the real world – Moortown Baptist Church
The theme was discipleship. To continue the song analogy, you could say it was about recognising the songs being sung in the land now, singing alongside others even in the darkest times and encouraging others with a song of hope… with a lot of practical steps along the way. If you want to catch any of the main sessions they are free on youtube at the Fresh Streams Youtube channel, at this link (106) Fresh Streams – YouTube. This years conference is called Discipleship in a Divergent world.
Thank you to all those involved in leading and facilitating activities this week, from lunchclub to Beacon, from bible groups to crafts. We also thank those who supported, either behind the scenes and on the day, the funeral for Ralph on Friday. Do keep Tricia and her family in your prayers.
Reminder of future dates…
Sunday 21st January – 11am service in church and online with communion. Following on the story from the visit of the wise men in Matthew 2.
Sunday 21st January 7-8pm rock solid for youth
Monday 22nd January – Beacon café and warm welcome space 10-12
Tuesday 23rd January – Stepping stones for under 5’s and their carers/parents 10-11.30pm
Tuesday afternoon – house group in church
Tuesday 23rd January 3pm – missions group in church – talk to Roger Robson
Tuesday 23rd January 7.30pm Deacons meeting and Shelley
Wednesday 24th January – lunch club – see Rachel Beedle
Wednesday 24th January – Wednesday worship at 1.30pm in church. More info here on the website Wednesday Worship… following on from Lunch Club and in numbers growing rapidly – Moortown Baptist Church
Wednesday 24th January – bible study in church at 7.30pm see Ruth and Andy Berry
Thursday 25th January – craft group and warm welcome space 2-4pm
Friday 26th January – bible study in church. Talk to Robert or Carol Owen
Friday 26th January – housegroup – talk to Hilary/Jonathan Darling or Steve/Helen Olejnik
Sunday 27th January – service in church at 11am and online on our youtube channel.
Next cafe church is Sunday 4th February
There will be a pastoral team meet up after church with lunch on Sunday 11th February. More details to come.
Next whole church meeting is Tuesday 27th February.
“I will remember my song in the night; I will meditate with my heart, And my spirit searches:…” (Psalm 77:6)
See you soon
Moortown Baptist Church