Dear friends
Here’s a few things going on over the next few weeks. We hope that you and those you are thinking of inviting will join us in our Easter journey. We pray people will hear the good news of Jesus, join in some Easter activities and find a warm welcome. Please keep an eye on the website or ask if you want to know anything.
Sunday 2nd April
Palm Sunday cafe church for everyone starting at 11am online and in the building
Theme is ‘Journeying with Praise’ with Holy Week crafts looking at Luke 19:28-44. Art area opening on this day and available throughout holy week when the building is open for those who want to express things in this way. Materials provided although you can bring your own things to use too.
Youth group with an Easter theme meet at 7pm in the church building on Sunday 2nd April
Monday 3rd April
Monday 3rd April is an Easter Beacon holiday all age special, a free warm space cafe for all ages with hot cross buns and breakfast treats. Seed planting and easter colouring: plant some seeds to take home and watch your food grow! Come along between 10 and 12midday.
Tuesday 4th April
4G Jesus: Galilee-Gethsemane-Golgotha-Global:
A talk by Haddon Willmer followed by open discussion and refreshments.
7-9pm Moortown Baptist Church in the music room. All are welcome.
Thursday 5th April
Maundy Thursday guided Reflection at 8pm in the building
A guided reflection on the events of Jesus’ last evening with his friends on earth before Good Friday. This will involve using a few rooms in the church and also the garden if the weather is fine.
Friday 6th April
Good Friday service for all at 10.30am in the building….this maybe online too, I’ll let you know if we can manage this.
Film showing and tea together on Good Friday
Jacket potatoes, fillings and cake available from just after 5pm until 6pm, film ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (PG rating and lasts just over 2 hours) showing at 6pm. Come for food and film or you can come just for food or just film. The film picks up on some Easter themes in an accessible way.
Sunday 8th April
Easter Sunday all age café church together at 11am online and in the building, looking at Luke 24:1-12 with Easter crafts and art area.
Easter egg hunt at 10.40am around the church. Meet at the front of church at 10.30 for your instructions and then go hunt out those eggs!
If anyone would like to join with others and pray in the garden from 10.15, you’d be very welcome.
No Beacon on bank holiday Monday….but…..
Wednesday 12th April
Warm welcome café (Beacon extra!) with free breakfast pastries and refreshments, 10-12am in the building. Come and eat, drink, sit quietly, read, chat, play a game. There will be no lunch club on this day.
Sunday 16th April
Service with communion on the theme of Journeying with Jesus at 11am online and in the building.
Drop in Easter reflections, prayer, art
There’ll be some reflections around the building from Easter Beacon on the Monday throughout holy week and maybe into the next week too. Do drop in when the church is open and take some time for yourself or meet with someone else. These times are advertised because we know that there will be people in the building at those times so that noone is left on their own.
The building is open for reflection, prayer, to be, draw, paint next week on…
Monday 3rd April 10am until 3pm
Tuesday 4th April 10am until 12
Tuesday 4th April 7pm until 8pm
Thursday 6th April 6.30pm until 8.30pm
Friday 7th April 10.15am until 12
Wednesday 12th April 10am-12
If you are using the art area. Please make sure that you leave it in the state you found it. We’d like to keep the artwork up over the easter period for others to reflect on, but you are also welcome to take it home straight away or at the end.
If you feel you would like to help with refreshments at café church or help by being in the space whilst the building is open in holy week then do let me or the deacons know.
Other dates to let you know about…
Good Friday 7th April at 2.30pm, there will be an outdoor service on Alwoodley Village Green led by some churches in LS17, all welcome.
Churches together in Otley have put up a large cross, as they usually do on Otley Chevin. All welcome to visit, walk, sit by and look at the view. It’s up until the week after Easter.
MBC annual plant sale takes place from 1-3pm on the 13th May at church.
Coronation get together at MBC with lunch for all, music and craft activities on the afternoon of May 7th. More news to come!
Pentecost Sunday 11am in the building and online on Sunday 28th May with activities for our younger members
Afternoon café church with friends from Caring for life on Sunday 4th June
We can’t do any of this without God’s help and guidance and your support and prayers. Thank you in advance for supporting and praying for the community at MBC near and far as well as reaching out to others we are yet to get to know.
Do get in touch with myself or the deacons if you want to share anything. We’ll get back to you as soon as we are able. Lesley our administrator works Monday day, Tuesday day and Wednesday morning. We have a pastoral team who are available to pray and visit and also a prayer team who are around on Sunday mornings if you want to pray with someone confidentially.
“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7)
In Christ
Moortown Baptist Church