Krystyna Gadd’s Table Top Sale tops £750

Krystyna Gadd led a merry bunch of Table Top vendors in the first sale MBC has hosted for some years.  If it was a Christmas present you were looking for you could buy almost anything – from a doggy shaped draught excluder, some exquisite needlework through to a whole raft of equally “crafty” crafts. 

All money raised will go towards a trip Krys is making to Sri Lanka in the new year to support a Women’s Development Centre in Kandy. 

There was coffee and cake in the Sports Hall and a brilliant raffle in the Sanctuary what more could you want during the warm up to Christmas. 

In song and in readings “When there are no words” Michael J Tinker explores the acute grief, the poignancy and the joy that in Christ there is an assurance of seeing again someone you have loved and lost.

Remembering Dad.

In just under an hour Michael J Tinker and his band touched on just about every emotion the human body possesses: a sadness that untimately leads to grief, fond memories of a trip to the seaside to buy the “best candy floss in the world”, the passing of an old year to the new and then finally seeing the Father’s smile, and feeling his warm embrace… these are just random samples, the list is almost endless. 

Ten songs that I can almost guarantee each of the sixty or seventy people watching would have felt or experienced in a different way – depending of course in what was happening in their own head. 

It really was one of those rare moments in time when one man and his band filled the room with such rich and raw emotions but left each and every one of us touched.    

A big week ahead at MBC – NEWS EXTRA

Besides all our usual features which this week include our two Warm Space sessions that’s Beacon cafe on Monday and Thursday’s Craft Group we have two very special drawers. One is on Thursday evening starting at 7.30pm and it’s simply called When there are no words. This is an hour long performance in which Michael Tinker takes an honest look at the heartbreak of loss but also the rays of hope that we see through Jesus.

Based around the time when Michael’s father Melvin passed away it’s been described as “an engaging and moving evening of live music” and, “songs on the theme of death sounded tough as well as helpful! But persist we did, and what followed was an evening richly knit together with sensitivity, deep theology and hope.

Tickets are £10 each and can be obtained from Lesley Murphy in the MBC church office or you can of course pay on the door. 

The other is our Table Top Sale which runs between 10.30am and 2,30pm on Saturday November 11th.  Krys Gadd, one of our deacons supports a Women’s Development Centre in Sri Lanka and is hoping to pay a return visit there in the new year. 

Krys assures us that anything and everything you ever wanted for Christmas will be available AND she assures us at very reasonable prices. 

There will be tea, cakes and a raffle – what more could you ask for just 6 and a bit weeks before Christmas. 

Shelley 5 November 2023

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at café church at 11am for time to worship together, hear from Nehemiah 3 about the building of the wall and to share a pastry or two with a cup of tea.  If you aren’t able to be in the building, we hope you can join us online on the Moortown Baptist Youtube channel. We’ll also be welcoming Mel, John and Michelle as members to MBC so do come along and support them as they journey with us.

I wanted to say thankyou to those who came to support the family and friends of Raymond Newton on Thursday at his farewell service.  It was good to hear about a long life well lived, to be reminded again of the promise of heaven and to eat ice cream (one of Raymond’s favourite things to do). Do continue to pray for the family and for all those who grieve at this time.

We have several things coming up to give us space to think about loss and hope over the next week.  Do feel free to invite people to come along.  On Thursday 9th November we’ll be hosting a musical evening with Michael Tinker and friends at 7.30pm (doors open at 7pm).  Click on the link here About the Live Show on Vimeo.  Michael along with other musicians will be focusing on hope and grief in this creative musical evening designed to give a space to think about and what might hope look like in this…through live original songs, music and video.  For loss and grief as a journey  those with faith or none.  Do come along and bring others and share it with your networks. Tickets are available online at this link here… Moortown Baptist Church event tickets from TicketSource. Paper tickets are available from Lesley in the office on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning or ask Shelley or Nathan. £10 each.  There are more details here on our website…When there are no words…. – Moortown Baptist Church We’ll have some on Sunday of you want to bring £10 and get a physical ticket.

Then on Sunday 12th November we’ll have a service at 4.00pm to remember those who have died, to pray about our feelings of loss and to thank God for those we love and have loved.  It will be about 30/40 minutes in church. All welcome.

Here are the next few weeks… there may be extra things so if you know of any I have missed then do let me know!

Sunday 5th November – no rock solid groups meeting this week (1 week off, back next week)

Monday 6th November – Beacon warm welcome café 10-12 midday

Tuesday 7th November – Stepping stones is back 10-11.30pm (creche out of bounds at the mo but they’ll be still using the other spaces). Do pray for them as they adjust to a slightly different set up for a few weeks.

Tuesday afternoon housegroup – see Rod/Howard

Wednesday 8th November – lunch club – see Rachel Beadle for more information

Wednesday 8th November – 7.30pm housegroup in the building and online on zoom.  See Ruth /Andy Berry or Shelley

Thursday 9th November – 2-4pm warm space and craft group – all welcome

Thursday 9th November 7.30pm – When there are no words – in the Sanctuary

Friday 10th November -10pm bible study, see Carol and Robert Owen

Friday 10th November – House group – see Hilary and Jonathan Darling or Helen Olijnyk

Saturday 11th November – Table top sale – get some Christmas presents or treat yourself, have a coffee and cake and support a great cause.  10.30pm to 2.30pm.  See Krys Gadd for details or if you might be able to help. Table Top Sale – to help a Women’s Development Centre in Sri Lanka – Moortown Baptist Church

Sunday 12th November Remembrance Day  – service in church at 11pm with group for our younger friends carrying on the story of Nehemiah

Sunday 12th November – 4pm – Service of Thanksgiving, remembering those we have died

Sunday 12th November – 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth See Martyn Gray, Val Boyd, Nathan Dring or Adam Argyle.

Church meeting and AGM 21st of November at 7.30pm

Heads up… our first Christmassy event will be on the 2nd December 1.30-3.30pm when we welcome Steel Crazy Steel pan band to help us sing some carols, eat a mince pie and kick off Advent and Christmas in our community.

In Christ



Moortown Baptist Churc

The farewell service for Raymond Newton

Raymond Newton, a long time member of Moortown Baptist Church has died at the age of 98. 

Comparatively speaking the journey Raymond made to MBC was short – from his retirement home in Scarborough to Leeds when seen against the grand tours he and his late wife Clare made it was little more than a stride. In days gone by and with holidays taken as far apart as the remotest parts of Canada and almost all of Europe it’s fair to say that Raymond and Clare were real globe trotters. 

Raymond’s service was wonderful. Son David went through a decade by decade catalogue of how each period of time brought new adventures. Our Minister Shelley Dring adding a beautifully simple message based on the love of Christ as told in Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth. 

After the service as Raymond took off on his final journey, the seventy or so mourners that stayed behind were gently ushered into the Sports Hall and were treated to “ice cream and egg custards.”  A simple act that drew to a close a life well lived and beautifully remembered.    

The picture above shows Raymond and Clare at a MBC Christmas Service… presumably the instructions were to dress up, although with these two one never really could be certain.   

Shelley – 28th October

Dear friends

As we continue to ponder and pray and act on the theme ‘Hope in the ruins’ and think what it might look like I am reminded of the words from the U2 song ‘Beautiful Day’.

See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light and
See the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood, all the colours came out

It was a beautiful day
Don’t let it get away
Beautiful day

Touch me
Take me to that other place
Reach me
I know I’m not a hopeless case

We live in the tension of beautiful and painful, united and divided.  We see it as we walk through the ruins…and yet we see the possibilities of what is and can be built if we only look…

 I was sent a picture of Whitby Abbey (see below) by one of you this week (thank you)… the drones complete the rest of the building.  We know we aren’t building something purely physical but you see the idea… the light makes up the rest…it’s a good week to talk about light..

As we were reminded last week in Ezra’s prayer, he had his eyes ‘enlightened’ and said “He has granted us new life to rebuild the House of our God and repair it’s ruins” (Ezra 9:8)

This week we move onto Nehemiah’s prayer at the start of the book of Nehemiah and find some similarities… we start at 11am tomorrow and there will be a group for our younger members.  You can also join in on our youtube channel.

Here are a few more things coming up…

Wednesday Worship on Wednesday 22nd November at 1.30 and Wednesday 13th December at 1.30pm.  Come at 1pm for a coffee or tea.

Please be aware that the creche can’t be used at the moment due to the building work.

Sunday 29th October 7pm-8pm Rock Solid for youth

Monday 30th October 10-12midday Beacon café.  All welcome.

Tuesday 31st October – No Stepping Stones as its half term and the windows project has started in the creche

Wednesday 1st November – No lunchclub

House group at 7.30pm in church and on zoom

Thursday 2nd November – funeral of Raymond Newton at midday followed by food and drink in the church.  You are all invited by the family to come along.

  • 2-4pm craft group and welcome space in the building

Friday 3rd November 10-11.30am bible study in church  (please note an electrician will be working in the building on this day on the heating)

House group at 8pm in Adel.  Talk to Hilary or Jonathan Darling or Steve or Helen Olijnyk

Sunday 5th November 11-12 Café church, do come along as welcome three new members.

Thursday 9th November we’ll be hosting a musical evening with Michael Tinker and friends at 7,30pm (doors open at 7pm).  Click on the link here About the Live Show on Vimeo.  Michael will be focusing on hope and grief in this creative musical evening designed to give a space to think about loss and grief as a journey and what might hope look like in this…through live original songs, music and video.  For those with faith or none.  Do come along and bring others. Tickets are available online at this link here  .Moortown Baptist Church event tickets from TicketSource. Paper tickets are available from Lesley in the office from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning or ask Shelley or Nathan. £10 each.  There are more details here on our website…When there are no words…. – Moortown Baptist Church  There will be a table out this Sunday selling tickets if you want to buy them tomorrow and bring your £10 in cash

On the 11th November we are holding a table top sale.. see link below (and talk to Krys Gadd if you have any questions)

Table Top Sale – to help a Women’s Development Centre in Sri Lanka – Moortown Baptist Church

Sunday 12th November – 11am in the building and online – Remembrance Sunday and continuing with Nehemiah

4pm in church I’ll be leading a short quiet service to remember those people we have lost and allow some time to thank God for them.  All welcome

Church meeting and AGM 21st of November

Other things in Leeds you may be interested in..

Open Doors Standing Strong Event on November 4th. The conference is for the whole of the North East of England to come together to learn and pray for the worldwide persecuted church. Anyone is encouraged to attend who is a supporter of Open Doors or the persecuted church.  Its held at Bridge Community Church.  Sign up to attend, its free

Standing Strong Northern England Tickets, Sat 4 Nov 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Sunday 26th November ‘ An evening hosted by Cruciform, to explore together what it means to follow Jesus in a world of climate breakdown.  The event will include prayer, discussion and a talk by Rev John Swales.  St James Church Horsforth, 6.30-8pm.  All welcome

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

In Christ


Shelley Dring


Moortown Baptist Church

John Wilson drops in to Beacon

Keeping up with old friends and sharing news is something Moortown Baptist Church has always enjoyed doing, and for a couple of hours Monday morning’s Beacon Cafe proved no exception. 

Visiting us from Paris was Baptist Missionary Society’s John Wilson, MBC’s first Youth Pastor, the son of David and Robina Wilson who took up the job here way back in 1981. Having left his wife Sue in the south John was busy scurrying around the rest of the country doing I suspect the same at every stop. 

The visit to Beacon proved excellent as unfortunately although we couldn’t secure a Sunday slot as John himself commented a chat over coffee and cake proves equally rewarding. 

As John headed off to lunch with Roger and Christine Robson and our Minister Shelley it was great to be able to wish him, Sue and the rest of the Wilson family well.  

When there are no words…. tickets available now

What is it?

Everyone is touched by grief at some point in their lives, but as a culture, we often find it difficult to express. In light of the loss of his Dad, Melvin Tinker, Michael has written a collection of songs that takes an honest look at the heartbreak of loss but also traces the rays of hope we see through Jesus. Performing the songs alongside artwork and readings, Michael will take us on a very personal journey, yet one shared by us all. A special evening for those of faith or no faith at all.

This is what one church said about the show:
‘An engaging and moving evening of live music. Highly professional, very impressive, and much enjoyed. The first thing someone said was ‘Can we book them again for next year’. I felt the same. Michael’s songs encourage and strengthen the faith while engaging the hearts of those who have yet to turn to Christ. Many were moved and profoundly thankful for his ministry.’ (St Mary’s Wollaton, Nottingham)
And another:
‘We weren’t sure what to expect with this event, we loved the idea, but songs on the theme of grief, sounded tough as well as helpful! But persist we did, and what followed was an evening richly knit together with sensitivity, deep theology and hope. I came away from the evening with words of appreciation from across our church family. Strongly recommended.’ (Grace Church, Ryde)

This is a short video of Michael explaining it

When is it? 9th November 2023 at 7.30pm (doors open at 7.00) – running time approx. 60 minutes

Who is it for? This event is not suitable for anyone under the age of 10, and there will be no crèche facilities available. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Tickets are available now from Lesley in the Admin Office during her usual working hours or if you make a late call just turn up on the night. 

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