As part of MBC’s continuing involvement in Romania, earlier this year we were pleased to be able to send the following support totaling £4,500 to the churches we are linked with there. They are:
Manastur Church Cluj: Family Support £500, Young People’s Camps £500 and student bursaries £500. Other Initiatives in Cluj: Nicu children support £500, Gypsy Church Pastor £500 and the Gypsy Church Floresti £250. Cserefalva / Udvarhely/ Vlahita shared £1,250 and VIA Church Cluj £500.
Huge thanks to everyone here at MBC for enabling us, the Romania Support Group, to support this work.
We have also received the following letter from Zsuzsi and Andor Ferko both of whom are ministers at the main church in the Hungarian speaking town of Udvarhely (Hungarian name) or Odorhei Secuiesc Romanian name) in central Romania. Some of you will recall that Andor and Zsuzsi spent a year with us here in Leeds and Zsuszi is the daughter of pastor Noemi.
Dear Moortown Baptist Church, Romania Group, our friends and our English family!
We would like to greet you with the word of God: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
With your love and mission and help we could organise the camp for the youth this year also. We were in Lokod, between 2-6 of August. There were 64 young people in the camp. From this 11 students as we started a new student bible study group and they came for volunteering in the camp. It was a great help for us and also for the youth so that they could see that even when you are older and you are studying in a different town or country, God is still part of your life wherever you go. We asked them to share their faith and how they met God. It was very powerful because not just the pastors shared God’s word.
Every day we had two evangelisation led by the pastors, we had worship, many team building games, camp fire, we had an excursion to a nice cave and after that we ate fish and chips.

There was an opportunity for the youth for pastoral care and counselling. I was amazed how many young people used the opportunity. I was very happy that God also in this camp used my pastoral care studies (here this is not a common thing). I was thinking also and I am very-very grateful for how God used you in shaping my future. Thank you very much!
During the pastoral care, many youth came and I was shocked how many serious problems they have like abuse, family alcohol problems, parents are not attentive enough, they do guarding. The world is giving them so much false teaching and we have a week when they come and we can evangelise them. That is why it is so important to keep the camps and we are so grateful to you all that we can do this. There are many families who struggle financially especially now and it is a great help for them the support what you give.
From your gift we gave 350 Pound to the camp. We supported the students who came for help so that they don’t have to pay their whole costs. They were helping us a lot and their presence was a great gift for us. We also helped those who were not able to pay. We gave 200 Pound to the small church in Vlahita as they are struggling very much to stay alive.
God bless you richly! We are very-very grateful for all your help and support. We keep you all the whole church in our prayers. We miss you a lot and looking forward to see you!
We send our love and blessings to you all! May God in His richness bless you with all you need, keep you safe and in faith.
Zsuzsi and Andor